On Friday afternoon, MU’s Jesse Hall transformed into a sanctuary of remembrance. Students, staff, faculty and community members filled the space; each person united in their purpose to honor the memory of those lost in the MU community within the past year.
Amid the collective presence, 19 chairs stood conspicuously empty — a tribute to each individual who, over the past year, departed from the community.
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The MU Remembers ceremony begins Friday at Jesse Hall. Students, faculty and staff who died in the past year were honored with white chairs and yellow flowers as family and friends sat around the cluster of chairs.
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Melissa Hagemann, left, hugs Connie Rushing after the ceremony Friday. After the procession, friends and family of Kennedy Carter, a recently passed MU student, joined together for a group photo and chanted “Kennedy! Kennedy!” to honor her.
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Attendees converse following the MU Remembers ceremony Friday at Jesse Hall in Columbia. Nineteen total MU students, faculty and staff were honored in the rotunda.
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Caden Rushing, 15, gives Felix Rushing, 3, a piggyback ride after the MU Remembers ceremony Friday outside of Jesse Hall in Columbia. The Rushings wore colorful t-shirts that say “Ken” in the style of the Barbie logo to honor Kennedy Carter, an MU student who recently died in order to raise money for the scholarship fund in her name. “We’re halfway to the goal,” Gary Endres, Carter’s grandfather, said. “Mizzou has been good with us.”
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